Join the Wild Fur Shippers Council

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The Wild Fur Shippers Council gives trappers a strong voice in NAFA’s operations.
You have the option of joining the NA Wild Fur Shippers Council. For a onetime payment of $100, you can become a Wild Fur Shippers Council member for five years.

The WFSC membership year runs from November 1 to October 31, therefore new memberships will expire on October 31st, four years after the year of joining.

Membership is optional.

The commission rate charged on your fur will be reduced by 2% for five years from the first sale of the season you join. The commission rate for all trappers is 11% but as a member of the WFSC you’ll pay only 9%.

WFSC members using NAFA’s collectors, depots or pick up services will also receive free freight in Canada or handling charges in the USA for five years. Freight to the Depot or collector location is not covered.

Based on these two benefits alone, many trappers save the cost of membership in the first year.

Every shipper is:

Guaranteed the largest buyer attendance and the most competitive prices
Guaranteed NAFA’s global promotion efforts will continue and expand
Guaranteed access to world fur markets
Guaranteed that your fur becomes part of the most respected wild fur collection in the world

We believe we can get better prices now—and higher prices in the future—if more trappers join our partnership and send their furs to NAFA.

North American Fur Auctions

Southwest US Receiving Agents

Copyright 2014-15  NAFA: Southwest Receivers
All Rights Reserved
Site by
Hawk Mtn.

